Does the city handle traffic well during multiple events downtown?

Bizarre answers to everyday questions

Larry: Terrible. The cops don’t know when to stop or when to move it. Sometimes they’re just stupid. You need to know which way traffic is coming from and understand the patterns a little bit better. They probably have different cops doing it at a different location every time so they don’t know the patterns.

Jerry: The cops are doing the best they can. They’re on every corner making sure traffic flows smoothly. It’s a tough situation to deal with. The out-of-towners have no idea where they’re going. You need to pay attention to the road and not the navigational system you have. It’s like talking on the cell phone. They’re going the wrong way on a one-way street. The city is doing the best it can.

Caleb: There’s only so much you can do. If you try to do everything, like focus on vehicles for example, it has a detrimental effect on pedestrians. You actually discourage mass transit and walking. I walk. I find it very annoying that they focus so much after events on getting commuters out that you have to wait sometimes 10 minutes just to cross the street because they turn off the signals.