Letters to the Editor - Doing it December 02 2004

As a heterosexual and a liberal, I was left feeling disappointed when the voters of Georgia saw fit to ban same-sex marriages. I felt equally disappointed after reading Cliff Bostock’s column criticizing the suppression of public gay sex (Headcase, “Queers who don’t act right,” Nov. 18).

Let’s face it, a line of morality has to be drawn somewhere, be it gay or straight public sex.

And if it’s any consolation to gay couples caught “doing it,” I’m sure I would face the same legal repercussions if police found me performing oral sex on my girlfriend in public in a sauna.

-- Nate Reeves, Atlanta

br>?In the name of public decency
I have read Cliff Bostock’s piece and am wondering if you are saying that gays alone are being targeted in this quelling of public sexuality (Headcase, “Queers who don’t act right,” Nov. 18).

Last I checked, the country was in an uproar over an errant 40-year-old nipple being exposed during prime time. This nipple belonged to a woman and was exposed by a man. This country has been condemning sex for a long time, well before gays even came together to become a “community.” LA Fitness’ actions were in the name of public decency and nothing else.

One would think that homosexuals who have been trying their hardest to tell the world that they are not all sexual deviants would be behind the persecution of the pervs, in order to further separate themselves from the stereotype.

-- Carlos Harris Jr., Marietta

br>?Atlanta’s a righty
Cliff Bostock: I just wanted to tell you that I thought the article you wrote was truly amazing (Headcase, “Queers who don’t act right,” Nov. 18). I really enjoyed reading it, everything you pointed out is so true. It’s so ridiculous how Atlanta is so conservative.

-- Leah Kadetz, Atlanta

Editor’s note: If Cliff Bostock’s Nov. 18 Headcase column didn’t appear in your paper, visit atlanta.creativeloafing.com.

?We made his week!
Thanks so much for the excellent review of Wonderdog (Shelf Space, “Underdog,” Nov. 18). It’s definitely the best analysis of the political aspects of the book that I’ve seen. And I can’t tell you how gratifying it is to see (in print) a reviewer who has read the book I meant to write (i.e., Dev IS an underdog, in a roundabout way, one with untapped potential). So many reviews are focusing only on the drinking and carousing, and I meant to show someone who was, in actuality, a reluctant winner, reticent, understandably, about assuming the mantle of leadership. I actually had Henry IV in mind as I worked on the book.

So, thank you so much for letting me know I’m not crazy, that Dev is not just some one-dimensional character. Your review really made my week — smart and well-written.

-- Inman Majors, author of Wonderdog,

Tullahoma, Tenn.

br>?Our weaknesses
John Sugg: As to your main point, nowadays I look to Paul’s directive to Christians to support weak brethren (Fishwrapper, “I am a Christian, too,” Nov. 18). We all have our weaknesses. Belief in crippling literalism, like creationism, is a weakness. Having a moral compass whose polarity has flipped, so that one spits at the mention of George W. Bush but weeps for Yasser Arafat, is also a weakness. I have observed as much in many high muckety-mucks in mainline denominations. (By the way, I’m Methodist, too.)

The former is good for some belly laughs, and is a barrier to getting a good science education. The latter puts one firmly on the side of the Jihadis. I have no great quarrel with what you wrote — and isn’t it a bit ridiculous for readers to fault opinion columnists for having an opinion, anyway? But I am uncomfortable with you framing your own faith in oppositional terms to the presidency of George W. Bush. That’s a symptom of Bush Derangement Syndrome, to my mind.

-- Bruce Thompson, Smyrna

br>?‘Out-Christian’ the right
As a deacon at Oakhurst Baptist Church, I want to thank John Sugg for his column, “I am a Christian, too” (Fishwrapper, Nov. 18). The left-wing Christians have to reclaim God from the religious right. We need to hold the religious right accountable for not fighting for the poor, the widows and the orphans — like Jesus wants us to. The religious right is more concerned with locking up people for drug charges instead of visiting them in prison like Jesus calls us to do.

Jesus said hardly anything about gays, abortion or guns. Yes, the Bible says, “Gays are an abomination,” right along with “eating pork is an abomination,” but you don’t see anti-barbecue measures on the ballot — why is that?

Love thy neighbor, don’t persecute him and try to force him to become a Christian. Fight injustice, help the poor. The left has plenty of biblical ammunition to “Out-Christian” the right, we just need to use it. (And no, I am not gay — I have a wife and two kids.)

-- Bob Herndon, Decatur

br>?Hijacking Jesus’ message
Liberals like to hide their light under a bushel, but you brought it out into the open (Fishwrapper, “I am a Christian, too,” Nov. 18). It really burns my butt that the right wing has hijacked the message of Jesus. It’s time that we reclaim real Christianity and work for true peace and justice in this crazy world. I refuse to let the right turn Jesus into a propaganda front for their agenda of protecting the rich and powerful.

-- Joe Parko, Atlanta

br>?Actions speak louder
John Sugg: Thanks so much for your Nov. 18 editorial giving yourself as an example of a Christian who has different values from President Bush (Fishwrapper, “I am a Christian, too”). All of us who love the teachings of Jesus need to remind the president and others about the difference between Jesus’ words and our leaders’ actions.

-- Bert Skellie, Decatur

br>?No different
I couldn’t explain better myself how crappy it is to know that these thugs have hijacked the Christian fundamentals of peace, helping the poor, and loving thy neighbor (Fishwrapper, “I am a Christian, too,” Nov. 18). In my honest opinion, the likes of Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson are really no different than Osama bin Laden. All three have perverted their religions and converted their followers to understand hate and intolerance to be the word of God.

It’s really quite sad.

-- TJ Muehleman, Atlanta