Hollywood Product - Mr. Deeds

Genre: Comedy

Opens: June 28

The Pitch: A remake of Frank Capra’s Mr. Deeds Goes to Town with Adam Sandler as the title character, a lovable oaf from small-town, dumb-ass America who inherits a kajillion dollars from a great-uncle media baron. He falls for a devious reporter chick, is manipulated by bozo business types, and then, through simple, homespun wisdom, saves the day.

Tag Line: Don’t let the fancy clothes fool you.

What the Tag Line Should Be: Don’t encourage him by seeing this movie.

Cliches: Sandler’s Mr. Deeds is a frustrated writer of greeting cards, and his purity of heart is sure to win the day, especially with lines like: “There’s still hope for the kid inside us.”

Flesh factor: Disappointingly little from Winona Ryder, although her breasts are hoisted and wrapped in such a way to resemble welcoming pillows.

Selling points: John Turturro, who plays a Spanish butler so smooth and fast that he puts Sandler on an elevator and is there to greet him when he gets off.

Details stolen from original: Mr. Deeds’ hometown is Mandrake Falls. A mandrake is an herb that in ancient times was used as an anesthetic, and in large doses could cause madness and delirium. That’s not unlike this movie, which induces sleepiness immediately and then creeping insanity after 90 minutes.

Definitely not in the original: Sandler plays a pizza shop owner with a foot blackened from frostbite. The nerve endings are dead, which Sandler demonstrates by prompting Turturro to beat it with an andiron. Hilarity ensues.

Throwaway cameo: A few “SNL” friends. We also learn that Al Sharpton has a sense of humor. But the best is John McEnroe. There is something inspiring about seeing him nurse a Rolling Rock and throw eggs at cars.

Best Line: Ryder to Peter Gallagher, who’s looking more and more like George Hamilton: “And you need to tweeze your eyebrows.”

Worst line: Ryder trying to win back Sandler after she has betrayed him: “You said you didn’t know who I was and that made me realize — I didn’t know who I was.” Hmmm, I don’t know ... maybe an overpaid, overrated, has-been actress with an odd penchant for kleptomania?

Hit Single: Dave Matthews’ “Where Are You Going?” a question that could be applied to Winona Ryder’s career.

The Bottom Line: Adam Sandler returns to form — a form without shape, substance or style.
