Add It Up - The few, the proud

Total number of military recruits from Georgia in fiscal year 2004: 5,197

Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds from Taliaferro County who were recruited in that time: 2.25

Rank of Taliaferro among Georgia counties with the highest military recruitment rates: 1

Taliaferro’s median household income: $22,558

Rank of Taliaferro among Georgia counties with the lowest median household incomes: 3

Median household income in Fayette County: $73,388

Rank of Fayette among Georgia counties with the highest median incomes: 1

Percentage of 18- to 24-year-olds from Fayette County who were recruited last year: 0.6

Number of Georgians killed in the Iraq War, as of press time: 61

Number of Georgians killed in the Vietnam War: 1,125

Percentage of homeless Atlantans who claim to be Vietnam veterans: 29

Sources: National Priorities Project, 2004 Georgia County Guide, U.S. Army, Pathways Community Network