Who would you dread receiving a Valentine from?

Everyday answers to oddball questions

Melissa: My ex-boyfriend. He took me to Wendy’s on Valentine’s Day. We were all dressed up and supposed to go to another place but the wait was too long so he took me to Wendy’s. I was a little disappointed. I got a Happy Meal [sic] and a plastic toy out of it, but I really don’t want to hear from him. They don’t have alcohol at Wendy’s so I don’t think I kissed him good night.

Steven: Former girlfriend and ex-wife. From 5 to 14, I would give a Valentine to whoever I liked at the time and every one of them came back. At 15, as soon as I stopped sending them, suddenly I was on the receiving end. Married for 12 years and in a relationship for two. I’m trying something new this year — being on my own.

Jenna: My mother. She used to always give me the stupid Valentine’s cards. It was just depressing. I would almost rather have nothing than one card or a box of chocolates from my mother. It’s like, “Oh, who did you get that from?” “Mom.” It’s terrible. That’s when you really know that you hit the bottom. I don’t even like the chocolates. They’re always so low quality and waxy. It’s like chewing on candles.