Bedford’s shit list

Dead Man’s Underwear, Bluntfang, TV Dinner, and Highlander play 529 Sat., Jan. 5


Shitty Bedford continues making the most accessible inaccessible weirdo pop culture in a town that’s brimming with weirdo pop stars, and he’s getting weirder. We almost met at the Big House, the magic black hole of a mansion on Ponce, but we didn’t because I had to hurry home and bury the best cat I’ve ever known. I looked into that black hole of sadness and then went to EAV for a better type of feeling odd. For me, watching Shitty has always been a pleasurable experience and this was the first time I wasn’t looking forward to seeing him just because of the situation.

Your standard abstract artist will take an apple and paint it melting in space or make it the head of an elephant’s body. Shitty Bedford takes that apple, wraps it in tinfoil and starts microwaving it full blast while screaming out saxophone solos over the sparks. And he’ll usually be playing the horn behind his back with a handmade mask of your worst and favorite nightmare from third grade sitting atop his head. The music will end, the apple will melt, the mask will speak an unknown language and you’ll be a true believer. I needed that type of Shitty vibe and was glad to sit down and ruminate on cats (they’ll do what they do) and dogs (if you give them love they’ll stay by your side and out of the dumpster) and past shows (that’s the one where you lit everything on fire inside of an aquarium while the whole room screamed “HOT SHIT!”). We talked all things Shitty. My heart was lifted considerably.

On new shit: Dead Man’s Underwear, Bedford’s new-ish band that’s performing this Saturday (January 5) at 529, playing electronic versions of old Shitty songs. “I became inspired by Ostrich Von Nipple’s making a really amazing cover album of my old music.” (Everyone/everything surrounding Shitty is perfectly named). The perfectly named record in question: Ostrich Von Nipple Plays Some Shitty Tunes. Good and wacky covers that made Shitty want to “do a dance version of my songs, which seemed kind of stupid, and kind of still is.”