More Beltline art vandalized

Sixfold Collective’s installation “Recurrence” burned

Seriously? More Beltline art vandalized? This is why you can’t have nice things, Atlanta.

Sixfold Collective got some sad news yesterday morning when members found out their installation “Recurrence,” a mixed-media work channeling the energy and abundance of nature, was destroyed. Burned, actually.

Sixfold’s artists, which include Corrina Sephora Mensoff, Terri Dilling, Susan Ker-Seymer, Amandine Drouet, Susan A. Cipcic and Ann Rowles, have very little information on what happened besides what they can see. “We are just dealing with the shock and loss of our piece, and all the work that went into it,” said Dilling in an e-mail this morning. “Very sad for us, and for the Beltline too, as this hurts their attempts to promote public art in Atlanta.”

Earlier this summer, Larry Jens Anderson’s Pride-commissioned Beltline installation “Locked Out” was vandalized on two separate occasions.


  • Terri Dilling


  • Terri Dilling


  • Ann Rowles


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