Time and Place: Saving bookstores is AWESOME

Wordsmith’s Bookstore held a fundraiser in Decatur last weekend. I arrived as The Sea Lions, a fantastic local indie/pop band, were just beginning to charge through the second half of their set. The two members of the band both take care of lead vocals and switch guitar and bass usually after every other song. The true charm was that all of their drum tracks were being played off of their iPod. Instead of shooting the band, I decided to turn my camera to the eclectic group of audience members. About half young hipster-folk, and the rest older women and men. Some drawn into the bookstore by the band, some there with the sole interest of saving the bookstore. The vibe was strangely harmonious. No rebellion from the younger folks and complete understanding and acceptance from the older folks. Truly something that could only be found in the neutrality of a bookstore.

(Photo by Dustin Chambers)