Oscar winners - You choose!

Cast your votes for the ‘CL’ Readers’ Choice Awards.

Academy, schmacademy. We hold your opinions in much higher regard, dear readers. Pollster whiz Nate Silver (who called the 2008 presidential election long before you stepped into that seven-hour voting line) has posted his picks to win. But he uses math and computers and logic and stuff, which we frown upon here at the Loaf. Curt Holman will select his picks later this week based on having seen the nominated films and judged them with his stern critical eye. While we respect Curt’s wisdom and Nate’s calculus skills, we also think there’s merit to choosing winners based on number of nude scenes (Kate Winslet) or how drastically they altered their appearance for a role (Robert Downey Jr.). So the floor is yours, readers. Cast your votes now and we’ll announce CL’s Readers’ Choice Awards Friday afternoon. Make sure you read past the jump and vote in all six categories...

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