Peach Pundit to change comments policy

Guy who called David Souter a ‘goat fucking child molester’ bemoans personal attacks.

Sad news for people who like to publicly insult others.

Conservative political blog Peach Pundit says he’s changing Peach Pundit’s comments infrastructure to reduce the number of personal attacks.

Bossman Erick Erickson:

For the past few months things in our comment threads have really gotten out of hand . . . They have descending into ad hominem chaos.

You know its bad when “goat fucking child molester” guy thinks a web site is too ad hominemy.

Don’t despair.

If you’re hell-bent on calling your fellow citizens Nazis, Communists, racists, reverse racists, child molesters or you’re simply irate about President Obama’s plan to euthanize the elderly and Sarah Palin’s babies, you’re in luck:

Rep. Hank Johnson is hosting a town hall meeting tonight to discuss federal healthcare policy.

Correction: The first version of this post incorrectly stated the comments were shut down.