Time and Place: Scantily-clad Santas

Ho-ho-ho-ing down N. Highland in their skivvies

This picture was taken at the Santa Speedo Run on Dec. 12 in Virginia-Highlands. It was shot just after the runners left the warmth of Dark Horse Tavern to head into the cold December weather outside. One of the best parts of the shoot was seeing the reactions of people driving by or walking down the sidewalks as nearly 200 men and women came out of the bar dressed in  briefs. It was also really funny seeing different runners’ reactions to the cold. Some were really pumped up about the whole thing and didn’t mind, and others looked pretty stunned. I liked this picture because it shows a variety of emotions and expressions in the faces of the different runners.

Check out more freezing Atlantans during the Santa Speedo Run.

(Photo and text by Alan Friedman)