Beltline hiking trails to (sometimes) feature majestic horses

APD mounted police to patrol interim paths for joggers and urban hikers

The 22-mile loop of parks, trails and transit will also include horsies.

From the Midtown Ponce Security Alliance’s most recent newsletter:

The bridges along the Beltline’s Northeast hiking trail, including the one that crosses over Ponce de Leon, will be designed and constructed to accommodate APD mounted police.  Horses will be able to walk freely from Piedmont Park to Dekalb Avenue, including access points to Freedom Park Trail and Historic Fourth Ward Park, within a few months.

This will allow greater police surveillance of that section of the Beltline as well as the Historic Fourth Ward Park. The mounted police division, currently active at Piedmont Park, will expand their patrol routes to include the Beltline right-of-way, the vicinity of (soon to be formerly) City Hall East, and the New Fourth Ward Park.

(RCMP photo courtesy Flickr user Nikki via Wikipedia Commons)