Shelf Life: Horns by Joe Hill

GENRE: Character-driven horror

THE PITCH: On the anniversary of his childhood sweetheart’s brutal slaying, grieving twentysomething Ig Perrish discovers two horns growing from his head, along with demonic abilities that may empower him to solve the murder.

WHAT’S IN A NAME?: Taken from the famed union organizer, “Joe Hill” is the pseudonym of Joseph Hillstrom King, who happens to be the son of horror novelist/publishing phenomenon Stephen King. Before you cry “Nepotism,” relax: the guy’s good.

FAMILY RESEMBLANCE: Ig’s horns have the power to force people to admit their darkest impulses, occasionally in profanity-ridden speeches reminiscent of the dialogue of Stephen King’s villains. Hill also raids his father’s music collection for Horns’ references to baby boomer rock songs, particularly tracks by the Rolling Stones. However, Hill defies the adage that talent skips a generation and probes his characters with more depth than Dad ever did.