Morning Newsdome: Arizona mainstreams racism, met with refried bean swastikas April 27 2010

Daily round-up of all that’s important from around the world

>> The new law in Arizona that will seek out illegal immigrants even if they haven’t committed a crime is proving to be very controversial. Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer says the new law will be good for the state’s economy. As in, a third of the state’s jobs will soon be available to white people. (CNN)

>> Arizona Sen. John McCain said today that the state had to pass such strict immigration laws because the Obama administration failed to “secure our borders.” Since illegal Mexicans are such a threat and it’s not like Obama’s got anything better to do. (Fox News)

>> In protest to the immigration law, someone scrawled swastikas made of refried beans on the Arizona capital building, and another person wrote on their car “I’M MEXICAN PULL ME OVER.” That crap belongs in MOMA. (The Huffington Post, Gawker)

>> Over in DC: The Senate accused Goldman Sachs of inflating the housing bubble and profiting on its collapse during a congressional panel yesterday. You don’t say. (Reuters)

>> And finally, while they’re not burning Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein at the stake: three Senators are pushing Facebook to change its privacy policy regarding sharing information with third-party Web sites. These senators can’t have their private information about which interns their having sex with shared all willy-nilly on those interwebs! (Computer World)

(Photo courtesy Fibonacci Blue/Flickr)

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