Hollywood Product: MacGruber

Will Forte’s recurring “Saturday Night Live” character becomes the star of an uproarious spoof of ’80s action cliches (not to mention “24”).

GENRE: Shoot-‘em up spoof

THE PITCH: “Saturday Night Live’s” “MacGuyver”-esque man of action explodes onto the big screen when oily arms dealer Dieter Von Cunth (Val Kilmer) steals a Russian nuclear war-head, bringing MacGruber (Will Forte) out of retirement to nab him. But can agents Dixon Piper (Ryan Phillippe) and Vickie St. Elmo (Kristen Wiig) rescue MacGruber from his own posturing idiocy?

MONEY SHOTS: MacGruber assembles a team of butch operatives, only to accidentally put them all out of commission. Vickie nervously masquerades as MacGruber to bait a trap. Piper discovers that MacGruber’s notebook reveals his disturbing/hilarious obsession. A terrified MacGruber uses Piper as a human shield.

BEST LINES: “If rippin’ throats gets that warhead, then I’ll suck as many dicks – I mean, rip as many throats as I have to,” MacGruber tells Piper. Also, the use of the name “Cunth” isn’t exactly sophisticated humor, but it gets persistent laughs.