Joaquin Phoenix shaves, returns to Letterman show

Joaquin Phoenix admits ‘I’m Not There’ was a hoax on “The Late Show With David Letterman.”

You’ve probably heard by now from director Casey Affleck and actor Joaquin Phoenix that their film I’m Still Here was not a sincere documentary of his attempt to become a rapper but an Andy Kaufman-style public stunt. Given how many people were convinced that Phoenix’s actions amounted to a personal meltdown, both when the events were happening in 2009 and upon watching the film, I’m not sure who the real butt of this particular joke is. In a nutshell, it’s like Phoenix saying, “Look at me! I’m covering myself in dog poop! ... Ha-ha! I actually covered myself in chocolate pudding! You look so foolish!” Phoenix closed the books on the gag by returning, clean-shaven and bemused, to “The Late Show With David Letterman.” For his part, Letterman denies claims that he was officially in on the stunt, only that he was wise to it.