Time and Place: Read between the lines

To me this photo is about doing your own thing and following your own path in life.


This week’s Time and Place photo was taken at 1:22 p.m., May 22, 2012 at the corner of Decatur Street and Park Place. I was on the third floor of the parking garage and was strangely hypnotized by the graphic nature of what I saw below. The lines and shapes and colors felt like a blank canvas for me to shape an image. While there I shot about 60 pictures.

I chose this one for CL’s print edition because I love how the guy is perfectly composed between the lines, with his head and feet almost exactly the same distance from the bold lines. To me this photo is about following your own path in life. My heroes always went against what society dictated and lived life on their own terms. For me, the man walking away from the “ONLY” signs and arrows pointing in the opposite direction represents that same vibe.

A few more pics from this moment after the jump.