May we present, 100 Dishes to eat in Atlanta, your 2013 culinary bucket list

We need bigger pants


Here at CL, our pants are fitting a bit tighter today because of all the pigging out research we’ve been doing for our 100 Dishes issue, our compilation of “signatures, classics, and bests, to once again help you navigate Atlanta’s gastronomic glory,” as our associate food editor Stephanie Dazey put it in her introduction. For this go-round (our first 100 Dishes debuted in 2011), we’ve made everything super easy to navigate on your phone for all you Instagramming, Facebook-loving Foursquare-using food lovers. Visit our mobile site and save the shortcut to your phone (looks just like an app!) to have access to the entire list on the go. AND, if you like CL on Foursquare, you can find out which 100 Dishes locations are nearby and earn badges for checking in and eating your way through the list. Neat.

Now start eating. Swimsuit season is just around the corner.