Omnivore - Michael Savage upbraids the bakers

Where they live sucks

Yes, I’m a masochistic radio listener. There’s Glenn, Rush, Erick, Neal, Sean, and the weirdest of the worst, Michael Savage. Thank you, WGST and WSB, for pouring bilious, boiling gibberish in my socialistical ears.

Last night, driving home from the gym, I caught a minute-long segment of Michael Savage with which I actually agreed. It starts about 5:50 in the recording below. (I provide it simply for proof.) Basically, he rants that the best bread and coffee are in liberal havens like Berkeley and the worst are in conservative places like Waco. Thus, he concludes, one must forsake good bread in the places one wants to live.

Savage himself lives in San Francisco and has a PhD from Berkeley. He is also a homeopath, not to be confused with a homosexual.

(Googling suggests Savage may have resumed the bread subject later in the show. But I’d already left the torture chamber of my car. Feel free to fill us in.)