Omnivore - (Literal) food porn on Buford Highway

Bei Jing Kabobs cooks it all


I’m squeamish about eating some body parts - like this skewered ox penis (foreground). I forced myself to eat one recently at Bei Jing Kabobs. I’m not sure it’s really ox. As everyone knows, oxtail soup in America is almost always made with a cow tail.

An ox is a castrated bull. I wasn’t even sure at first if the penis I was munching on was a section or the whole thing. (A friend suggested it might be “a grower, not a shower.”) Of course, it turned out to be a section.

Like the two lamb kabobs in the rear of the photo above, the penis was seasoned with cumin and some hot chili oil. It’s pretty amazing how popular the penis of many animals is with dogs and human beings.

I’ll explain the reason I had to eat the penis in my next “Grazing” column.