Pop Smart - Silver Scream Spook Show: Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster

The Silver Scream Spook Show for Saturday, March 29, is for the seafood lover in you. The Plaza Theatre’s monthly screening of cult/sci-fi flicks serves an all-you-can-eat platter of Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster, also known as Ebirah, Horror of the Deep. In this go-round, Godzilla’s titular foe is a jumbo shrimp that would undoubtedly be delicious with drawn butter. (Fans of “Mystery Science Theatre 3000” will recall this one getting mocked during the Joel Hodgson years.) This vintage, Japanese-language trailer is particularly strange, showing highlights of the film scored not only to the “Mothra” song and “A Night on Bald Mountain,” but the out-of-place classical compositions “Hungarian Rhapsody” and “The Can-Can.” What, no “Rock Lobster?”

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